Achieving success through website optimisation services like on-page SEO and online marketing is no small feat. While there are hurdles on this journey, nothing is as satisfying as achieving your SEO goals. We have crafted this comprehensive on-page SEO guide to simplify your task.

This guide has everything from unpacking the critical role of keyword research to fine-tuning various on-page factors essential for optimising content like meta descriptions and title tags.

So, let’s dive headfirst into this enlightening journey of how to do on-page SEO!

What Is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO or on-site SEO improves web page content for users and search engines. Standard on-page SEO optimisation practices include title tags, meta-descriptions, proper URL structure, image optimisation, internal linking, and more. Now that you know the basics, let’s differentiate!

What’s the Difference Between On-Page SEO & Off-Page SEO?

Let’s dive into the two main types of SEO and why they’re super important for your website.

On-Page SEO:

It is crucial to have easily accessible and understandable content to help increase the ranking and traffic of your website. Google, in particular, prefers helpful content. On-page SEO services involve optimising your content, headlines, HTML tags (like title, meta, and header tags), and images to ensure your website is helpful but also authoritative and trustworthy.

Off-Page SEO:

This involves all the factors happening off your website and other parts of the internet that could influence your site’s rankings. A significant aspect of off-page SEO is having high quality backlinks. This means other reputable websites link to your content, which tells search engines that your content is valuable, reputable and relevant.

Why Is On-Page SEO Important For The Growth Of A Business?

The importance of on page SEO should not be overlooked:

  • Communicates With Search Engines: Inform search engines about your website, and the value you provide to visitors and customers.
  • Improves Visibility: Just creating and publishing a website isn’t enough. You must optimise your website to rank higher in search results and attract new traffic. This will increase the click-through rate (CTR), and bring in more organic traffic to your website.
  • Complete Control: Every tweak and change you make is entirely up to you, so it’s crucial to get it right. You have agency and a responsibility to optimise your content, meta tags, images, and more.
  • Superior Online Presence: On page SEO will ensure your website is more visible in search engine results. Competitive keywords will be captured, and improve rankings and the overall user experience your website can provide.

Recent Changes In On-Page SEO Practices

SEO is an absolute must to consider when creating written content and its impact and practices continue to evolve over time. Here are some changes we have been noticing in on-page SEO practices:

  • Focus On User Intent: Google’s algorithms are increasingly sophisticated, enabling them to grasp the intent behind common queries better. Therefore, it is important to concentrate on creating content that satisfies common user intent and curiosity rather than just targeting specific keywords. This involves producing content that aligns with the user’s search query, and provides truly valuable information or eye-catching interest.
  • Don’t forget To EEAT: You may be familiar with the acronym EAT (Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness). It is the benchmark that Google has employed in more recent times to measure how content on a website is assessed by search engines (if you want to learn more, check out our Article to create more appetising content). The newly added ‘E’ stands for expertise. That’s right, they are factoring in content from creators who have first hand experience with the topic to evaluate the content quality. In other words, you wouldn’t take medical advice from us here at Ambire, so in turn, make sure the content you write is authentic and in line with your expertise.

What is the future of on-page SEO and on-page SEO services? Changes in technology and the increased impact of AI will bring about some interesting trends in the practice.

  • Increased Importance Of Voice Search: SEO will need to factor in voice search as smart speakers and voice assistants gain popularity. This means natural sounding language and queries will be king. Forget clunky placed keywords! Wording will need to strike a balance between sounding natural, whilst also hitting those keywords.
  • AI language Models: You will definitely have come across programs ,such as ChatGPT and Google Bard that can spit copy fast. Many companies have taken to one of these powerhouses to create long form on-page SEO content to save time.

However, with great speed comes great responsibility. While these programs are fast and can write well when instructed, it is important they are heavily edited and synthesised. This ensures the copy adheres to your brand’s tone of voice and keywords.

How To Optimise Your Website Content For On-Page SEO?

Content is the foundation on which the pillars of on-page SEO are built. Suppose you want to create a robust online presence for your business- in that case, nothing is better than optimising your content for on-page SEO.

Various factors are involved in enhancing the on-page SEO of  a website and its content. Let us look into these 10 website  on-page optimisation factors to understand how to use them, and make your website stand out:

Though before you scroll any further, if you want a quick refresher on some SEO lingo, check out our quick fix 140 character SEO dictionary!

Let’s get back to it! Here is our on-page SEO checklist:

  • Keyword Optimisation

Using keywords strategically throughout your website content can improve your ranking for those keywords in search results.

Employing a varied amount of keywords ensures this visibility, and they must be revised and examined regularly to make sure no stone is left unturned. This was the case with Career Group Companies, a staffing agency, who weren’t receiving as many job applications as hoped. Those looking for certain jobs were not brought to the company’s listings. With adjustments to their bank of keywords, which would now tap into keyword phrases that included specific job industries and title, they were able to have significant growth in candidates. This included a 43% increase in job listing page views.

By optimising your content using specific keywords for Australia Google optimisation, you are giving search engines a clear idea of what your content is about. This process helps in making your content more visible to the audience interested in it.

Ultimately, it allows for:

  1. Shoppers to easily find the right product page.
  2. Someone looking for a ‘how-to’ guide can find a detailed page explaining everything.
  3. People wanting to know more about a brand or person to find all the information they need.
  • Quality Content

Quality content is well-written, informative, and relevant to your target audience.

Every business has the opportunity to create relevant yet creative content. Such was the case with Escape The Room, which as you can guess, is an escape room franchise based in the States. With the creation of content, such as team- building ideas and escape room hacks, they were able drive a record of 4 million impressions in just a month.

Quality content is something that can be tapped into for any business or website. With creativity and these other SEO factors in mind, you can make a true impression.

  • Title Tags

Title tags are crucial for on-page SEO as they help search engines understand your page’s content. They should be descriptive and utilise the most important target keywords. For further insights into optimising your title tags, you can explore this resource on common Meta title tag mistakes.

Meta Tag

  • Meta Descriptions

Meta Descriptions are concise summaries appearing under title tags in search results. They are also important for on-page SEO because they help to entice visitors to click on your link.

Your meta descriptions should be informative, compelling and include your target keywords. Adding  a CTA (Call  To Action) at the end of the meta description is also important as it helps increase the click-through-rate.

  • Headings

Organising your content with headings is a crucial aspect of on-page SEO. Headings, such as H1, H2, H3, and more, serve as titles to help search engines understand the structure of your content. Additionally, it also makes your writing look that much neater!

Your headings should be descriptive and relevant to your target keywords to ensure that they convey the meaning of the content. Therefore, it is vital to use headings effectively by organising content into logical sections , and using them consistently throughout your content.

  • URL Structure

The URL structure is the way that your website pages are named. It is essential for on-page SEO because it helps search engines understand your website’s hierarchy. Your URLs should be short, descriptive, and relevant to your target keywords.

  • Image Optimisation

Image optimisation is optimising your images for search engines. This includes using descriptive alt texts and file names, and ensuring your photos are properly sized and compressed. Image optimisation can improve your website’s ranking in image search results.

  • Internal Linking

Internal linking involves hyperlinking to other pages within your website from your content, such as service pages or blogs. This enables search engines to and index your website more efficiently, as well as entice users to check out other pages on your website.

Internal Links

Linking to the services you offer is an effective way to internal link within your content.

Additionally, implementing internal linking can enhance your user engagement strategy and overall user experience of your website, allowing for easier navigation and access to relevant information.

  • Page Loading Speed

The page loading speed is the amount of time it takes for your website to load. It is essential for on-page SEO because search engines prefer to rank websites that load quickly.

Although there are many factors at play, a slow-loading website will not rank as well as a website that loads quickly

  • Schema Markup

Schema markup is code added to websites to help search engines understand published content better. It effectively marks up and highlights essential information, such as your  services, products and events. Schema markup improves website ranking and therefore visibility on Google Search. To become a schema expert, check out our  Schema Guide!

It’s Time To Boost Your Organic Performance With On-Page SEO

To amp up your website’s organic performance, on-page SEO isn’t just important; it’s essential. From keyword optimisation, quality content, to polished meta tags, alongside the other helpful factors mentioned, you’ll keep users hooked, and guide them smoothly from awareness to purchasing. Whether you’re enlisting the help of website optimisation services or doing this in-house, it is an important practice to wrap your head around.

It’s not just about getting users to your website; it’s about their entire journey. So, roll up those sleeves, implement a solid on-page SEO strategy, and watch your organic performance soar.