All brands want to be visible online and keyword research tools and implementation are an essential part of this SEO brand strategy. Have you ever thought more closely about which keywords are given priority in your content? These may be shorter keywords with a higher search volume. However, this is not always the best way to approach keyword implementation. 

You might be neglecting the bottom of funnel keywords. Bottom funnel keywords (or bofu keywords for short), are specific, often product or brand-related terms used by potential customers who are close to making a purchase decision. These keywords typically indicate a high intent to buy, as they are used by consumers who have already conducted their research and are in the final stages of the buying process.

Here is why you should prioritise bofu keywords, and how they can be applied.

Higher Conversion Rates 

Bottom of funnel keywords target consumers who are already informed and closer to a purchase decision, leading to a higher likelihood of conversions compared to top or middle funnel keywords. 

Bottom of funnel keywords like “buy x now” or “best price on x” implemented can lead to higher conversion rates compared to more general keywords.

Enhanced Relevance

These lower funnel keywords are highly relevant to the consumer’s specific needs and queries, leading to better user experience and stronger alignment with their search intent. Keywords like “X free shipping” or “x near me” match the specific intent of users, improving user experience and increasing the likelihood of a sale due to the relevance of the search to the user’s immediate needs.

Competitive Edge

Prioritising the bottom of funnel keywords can give brands an edge over competitors by capturing consumers at the critical decision-making stage. This is where brand loyalty can be established. By targeting keywords such as “X subscription discount” or “X lease specials,” brands can capture customers at the crucial decision-making stage, potentially outperforming competitors who only focus on broader terms.

Efficient Targeting

Bofu keywords allow for more efficient and precise targeting, ensuring that marketing efforts are focused on prospective customers who have a higher propensity to engage and convert.

Using specific keywords like “X in stock” or “X sale” allows for precise targeting of the audience most likely to convert, optimising marketing resources and effort.

Where to Apply Bottom of Funnel Keywords

Now you know why bofu keywords are so critical to SEO. But where should you apply them on your website? Here are the top places they can be added to truly maximise their value. 

Product Descriptions

Bottom of funnel keywords in product descriptions, like specific model numbers and unique features, directly target and appeal to consumers who are already informed and are in the decisive phase of their purchasing journey. 

Landing Pages

Designing landing pages around bottom funnel keywords with purchase intent phrases helps immediately capture and convert visitors who are at the critical decision-making stage of their buying process. Design landing pages around these keywords, focusing on purchase intent phrases like “buy now,” “free trial,” or “discount code.”

Meta Titles and Descriptions

Incorporating bottom of funnel keywords into meta titles and descriptions enhances search engine visibility for transactional queries. They directly targeting users ready to make a purchase and improve click-through rates.

Retargeting Ads

Using bofu keywords in retargeting ads effectively re-engages visitors who have previously shown interest in specific products or services, encouraging them to complete their purchase.

Lower Funnel Keywords: Essential Keywords to Utilise

Utilising lower funnel keywords will lead customers to your site and potentially sway them into purchasing your products and services. Amongst the many keyword research tips you have received, we hope the importance of bofu keywords is one that sticks.