It’s a new year, which means it’s a great time to shake up your digital marketing strategies for the year ahead! This is a great time to evaluate and update your marketing strategy to ensure it keeps up with the rapid changes that are constantly emerging in our industry. That’s why we have compiled a list of the top underrated digital marketing strategies in 2024 that businesses can benefit from. 

1. Clean Out Marketing Inventory

First things first! A good clean up of your marketing channels will give your team a clear head going into the new year. Begin by assessing all your marketing materials, tools, and channels to determine what’s been effective and what hasn’t. Discard outdated content or tasks within the channels, and consider updating or repurposing marketing materials that still hold relevance but need a fresh approach. 

This also includes reviewing your digital assets, such as social media profiles, website content, and email marketing lists, and removing anything that no longer aligns with your current marketing goals or brand image. By decluttering your marketing inventory, you can start the new year with a more focused strategy that’s better aligned with your current business objectives and market trends.

2. Refresh On Data Analytics 

Finding data analytics involves gathering, processing, and analysing data to gain insights into various aspects of your business operations, customer behaviours, and market trends. This is a good way to kick off the new year as you analyse how the business has fared in the past year. 

By analysing past performance, you can identify which digital marketing strategies resonated with your audience and which did not, allowing you to allocate resources more efficiently. Tools such as Google Analytics are good for analysing website data, while social media analytics can be found on the platforms you use, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. 

3. Utilise SEO In More Website Pages

SEO digital marketing strategies are of course essential to your new year plan. However, you may not be utilising keywords in website pages that are in need of it. For example, keyword research is not only useful for content creation but can also be pivotal in product or service naming. By aligning product or service names with common search terms, you increase the likelihood of your products being discovered by potential customers. 


This can also be applied to other conversion pages. For example, if your business offers a membership or E-book. If those pages aren’t getting the conversation rates or traction you desire, the inclusion of more relevant keywords may be needed. 

4. Digital Marketing Automation To Save Time

Digital marketing automation and AI are all the rage right now. They are being used to save workers time by reducing focus on more repetitive tasks. Take a look at your marketing processes, and see which tasks can be aided with automation. 

For example, AI language models such as ChatGPT are great for helping marketing agencies create SEO content and blog templates. Automation tools streamline email marketing by segmenting audiences and optimising send times, while AI enhances social media management by scheduling posts and analysing engagement. In the realm of advertising, AI’s data-processing capabilities ensure precise ad targeting and ongoing optimisation. 

 5. Get Employees Involved

Your brand’s greatest advocates are those working for it, so get them involved in your marketing strategy. Encourage your employees to become brand advocates. Their networks and social media presence can be valuable assets in amplifying your brand’s message and reaching a wider audience. 

Creating incentives when employees reach viewership or conversion goals is also a great idea to also boost company morale. It will encourage them even further to be creative  when sharing your brand on social media. 

Digital Marketing Strategies 2024 To Start Off Right

The New Year calls for a shake up of your business, and your marketing strategy is one of the many facets that can be renewed for this new period. These five digital marketing strategies will ensure you are prepared to take the online world by storm in 2024!